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14 Results

  • Brain Boot Camp Summer School

    Gilbert Public Schools is offering several different free summer programs during the month of June for students by invitation only. Registration begins on May 6th at 6:00 am and closes on May 24th at 11:55 pm. Dates: Monday-Thursday, June 3rd through June 20th Time: 7:30 am to Noon. STUDENTS ARE INVITED TO ATTEND Brain Boot Camp Summer School (Enrollment is by invitation ONLY - if your child is NOT invited to Brain Boot Camp Summer School, their registration will be removed from the program). Brain Boot Camp at Settler's Point Elementary (for students from Mesquite El, Ashland Ranch, Quartz Hill, Spectrum, Finley Farms, Settler's Point, Gilbert El, and Islands) *VIK Summer Camp to/from Spectrum - Brain Boot Camp is a free summer intervention program designed to address gaps in learning and preparation for upcoming grade. During this 12 day program, students will explore and engage in hands-on Math, Reading, and Science activities. They will also participate in rotations of Music, Art, and Physical Education. Class sizes are limited to 16 students in order to provide a rich learning environment and to meet safety protocol. Each class will be staffed with an appropriately certified GPS teacher and all students will be provided free breakfast and lunch each day. Monday-Thursday, June 3 - June 20, 2024. Brain Boot Camp at Towne Meadows Elementary (for students from Boulder Creek, Meridian, Augusta Ranch, Canyon Rim, Superstition Springs, Towne Meadows, Carol Rae Ranch, Highland Park and Greenfield El) *VIK Summer Camp to/from Boulder Creek - Brain Boot Camp is a free summer intervention program designed to address gaps in learning and preparation for upcoming grade. During this 12 day program, students will explore and engage in hands-on Math, Reading, and Science activities. They will also participate in rotations of Music, Art, and Physical Education. Class sizes are limited to 16 students in order to provide a rich learning environment and to meet safety protocol. Each class will be staffed with an appropriately certified GPS teacher and all students will be provided free breakfast and lunch each day. Monday-Thursday, June 3 - June 20, 2024. Brain Boot Camp at Val Vista Lakes Elementary (for students from Harris, Playa del Rey, Oak Tree, Burk, Patterson, Sonoma Ranch, Val Vista Lakes, Pioneer, and Neely Traditional) *VIK Summer Camp to/from Oak Tree & Sonoma Ranch - Brain Boot Camp is a free summer intervention program designed to address gaps in learning and preparation for upcoming grade. During this 12 day program, students will explore and engage in hands-on Math, Reading, and Science activities. They will also participate in rotations of Music, Art, and Physical Education. Class sizes are limited to 16 students in order to provide a rich learning environment and to meet safety protocol. Each class will be staffed with an appropriately certified GPS teacher and all students will be provided free breakfast and lunch each day. Monday-Thursday, June 3 - June 20, 2024. FOR BUS INFORMATION click here. For questions regarding these summer programs, please contact Cheryl Pollack-Neuser at 480-497-3342 or email her at For questions regarding registration, please contact the Community Education Business Office at 480-892-9089 x0.
  • Elementary Summer School

    Registration for Elementary Summer School 2025 Coming soon!

    Registration for Holiday Camps will be available on specific dates depending on the date the Holiday Camp runs. Please see the schedule below. This school year we are handling Holiday Camp registrations in individual blocks. Each Holiday Camp will have a separate registration for each of the Breaks & One Day camps. Registration will open and close for each camp on specific dates depending on the date the Holiday Camp runs. NO late registrations/schedules will be accepted after the close date, NO EXCEPTION. Holiday Camp is offered to provide a child care option on certain non-school days throughout the school year. Locations: Ashland Ranch Elementary Playa del Rey Elementary Superstition Springs Elementary One Day Holiday Camps: Available at Playa del Rey and Superstition Springs Elementary ONLY. Registration Open/Close Dates and Payment Due Date Schedules: Fall Break Holiday Camps (September 30-October 11) - REGISTRATION CLOSED - Ashland Ranch, Playa del Rey & Superstition Springs: Registration opens 8/19/2024 at 6am, closes 9/18/2024 at 6pm, Invoice date 9/23/2024, Payment Due Date 9/27/2024. Winter Break Holiday Camp (December 23, 26-27, 30, 2024 - January 2-3, 2025) - Ashland Ranch, Playa del Rey & Superstition Springs: Registration opens 10/1/2024 at 6am, closes 12/11/2024 at 6pm, Invoice date 12/16/2024, Payment Due Date 12/20/2024 Spring Break Holiday Camp (March 11-21) - Ashland Ranch, Playa del Rey & Superstition Springs: Registration opens 12/1/2025 at 6am, closes 2/26/2025 at 6pm, Invoice date 3/3/2025, Payment Due Date 3/7/2025. One Day Holiday Camps Veteran's 1 Day Holiday Camp (November 11, 2024) - Playa del Rey & Superstition Springs: Registration opens 10/1/2024 at 6am, closes 10/30/2024 at 6pm, Invoice date 11/4/2024, Payment Due Date 11/8/2024. Day Before Thanksgiving 1 Day Holiday Camp (November 27, 2024) - Playa del Rey & Superstition Springs: Registration opens 10/1/2024 at 6am, closes 11/15/2024 at 6pm, Invoice date 11/18/2024, Payment Due Date 11/22/2024. Martin Luther King 1 Day Holiday Camp (January 20, 2025) - Playa del Rey & Superstition Springs: Registration opens 12/1/24 at 6am, closes 1/8/2025 at 6pm, Invoice date 1/13/2025, Payment Due Date 1/17/2025. President's Day 1 Day Holiday Camp (February 17, 2025) - Playa del Rey & Superstition Springs: Registration opens 12/1/2025 at 6am, closes 2/5/2025 at 6pm, Invoice date 2/10/2025, Payment Due Date 2/14/2025 Hours of Operation: 6:30 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. Tuition & Fees Preschool Camp: $46.00 per day VIK Camp: $46.00 per day Registration Fee per student: $50.00 (one time fee) Ashland Ranch - Site Phone: 480-416-5606, Field Trip Phone: 602-803-5439 Playa del Rey - Site Phone: 480-772-8129, Field Trip Phone: 480-407-7988 Superstition Springs - Site Phone: 602-695-3292, Field Trip Phone: 480-316-4403 SPRING BREAK FIELD TRIP CALENDARS Information: Breakfast and Snack provided - each student must bring their own lunch Dates Available Fall Break: September 30 - October 11, 2024 Veteran's Day: November 11, 2024 Pre Thanksgiving: November 27, 2024 Winter Break: December 23, 26-27, 30, 2024 Winter Break: January 2-3, 2025 Martin Luther King Day: January 20, 2025 President's Day: February 17, 2025 Spring Break: March 10-21, 2025 GPS School District Employee Discount: All GPS School District employees are eligible for a 20% discount on tuition fees. Employment verification is required. Tuition and Fees: The cost for the selected holiday camp schedule, along with any applicable registration fees, will be charged once the contract is approved. Registration Fee: Please note, the registration fee is NON-REFUNDABLE, with no exceptions. Late Pick-up Fee: A fee will be charged for late pick-up.
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  • Kinder Prep Gifted Testing

    Registration will open on January 13th and close on June 30th for the 2025-2026 School Year. Testing to determine eligibility for the Gifted K-Prep cluster programming at Gilbert Public Schools for 4-year-olds is offered by appointment only. One-on-one testing is scheduled through the Preschool Office. A non-refundable fee of $175 is required for testing. Once registered for gifted testing, a member of the Preschool Gifted Testing Team will reach out to you. Testing takes approximately one to two hours. A parent or guardian is required to stay on the premises during testing. Testing provided is determined by the age of the child. For questions regarding the testing, please call Nancy Parker at 480-545-2159. For registration questions, please call the Community Education Business Office at 480-892-9089 x0.
  • Kindergarten Early Entrance Screening

    Registration for the 2025-2026 School Year Opens Wednesday, February 12th Kindergarten Screenings Screenings will take place on June 16th and 17th. To be eligible for admission to kindergarten, a child must be five years old before September 1st of the current school year. Children who turn five between September 1st and December 31st will undergo an assessment to determine if they are ready for early entrance into kindergarten. Important Information: Kindergarten screenings will only take place in June. There will be no screenings for early entrance after these dates. Registration for screenings must be completed online, and a non-refundable $90 assessment fee will be collected during the registration process. Once your registration is completed, you will receive a confirmation email with details regarding the date, time, and location of your child’s screening. Results will be shared after the screening is completed. Early Entrance Screening For children seeking early entrance into kindergarten, the screenings assess both social and academic readiness to predict success in kindergarten. The screening process consists of: A social screening in a group setting. An academic readiness assessment, administered individually in a computer lab with support from a certified teacher. Both screenings will be evaluated, and a final decision will be made regarding the child's readiness for kindergarten. This decision is final and there is no appeal process. Children will not be rescreened. After the Screening: If a concern arises within the first 30 school days about whether early placement is suitable for your child, a campus team may be convened to review and reconsider the decision.
  • Preschool - Advantage Preschool

    Advantage Preschool Dates 2025-2026 School Year - Registration is Open Advantage Preschool follows the GPS school calendar for holidays and breaks. There is no Advantage Preschool on any district half days. Complete information and the Preschool Parent Handbook can be found on the district website: Age Range *3-5 (*3 by August 31st) -- Children may not attend until their 3rd birthday. Class Times AM 8:00-10:30 PM 11:15-1:45 The AM session typically has more younger students and the PM session has more of the older students. Class Size Typically limited to 15 students Taught by an HQT Certified Teacher and a paraprofessional assistant About the Program GPS Advantage Preschool is a play-based program, aligned with the Arizona Department of Education Early Learning Standards, with a focus on critical thinking skills and social/emotional development. Thematic units are explored by students using a variety of learning styles and modalities, which in turn, ignites curiosity and encourages sustained attention! Program is supplemented using Creative Curriculum intentional learning materials, We Thinkers! social emotional curriculum, and Learning Without Tears. Typically developing peers and those with developmental delays work together and grow in one inclusive environment. Integrated SPICE Integrated SPICE is a blended program with all students learning and growing in one inclusive environment. Every child can feel valued for their unique contributions and have a sense of belonging. This program will have a maximum of 12 children and will consist of 50% of the students receiving special education support for their individual needs associated with Autism Spectrum Disorder, and 50% typically developing peer role models. This model is designed to promote social interactions and to develop communication skills using peer modeling and intentional, systematic, and individualized intervention. *Special Education enrollment for this program is district initiated and will be based on district boundaries and capacities Standards based instruction with supplemental curriculum: Handwriting Without Tears Creative Curriculum Max of 12 student, 6 tuition, per session This program is located at Canyon Rim Elementary and Finley Farms Elementary. For the Integrated SPICE program, the tuition is $100.00 per month for four days per week. Monthly Tuition and Fees: (2025-2026) $50 Registration Fee 3-day (M, T, Th) is $260 per month 4-day (M, T, Th, F) is $300 per month All days are 2 ½ hour class times GPS Employee Rates - please call the preschool office - employment verification required Program locations, days, & times are subject to change. 2024-2025 School Year* - Registration fee and the 1st months tuition will be required during registration approval. Registration fee and security deposit is NON-REFUNDABLE, no exceptions. Preschool Parent Handbook 2024-2025 School Year 2025-2026 School Year* - Registration fee and a security deposit of $100 from December 2, 2024 – June 30, 2025 will be charged during registration. The $100 deposit will be applied to the August Tuition. As of July 1, 2025, the security deposit will not be charged, however, the 1st months tuition will be required during registration. Registration fee and security deposit is NON-REFUNDABLE, no exceptions. Preschool Parent Handbook 2025-2026 School Year *Both the Eleyo and Infinite Campus registrations must be completed by July 12, 2025 in order to ensure the ability to start on the first day of school. Registration must also be finalized on the campus prior to the child’s start date. Requirements Toilet Trained - All students must be completely independent in toileting; to be considered completely independent in toileting, a child must be able to do ALL of the following: Are able to communicate the need to go to the toilet; including but not limited to, demonstrating control over going if they must wait for someone who is in the bathroom or if away from the bathroom Can independently pull down their underwear and pants and pull them back up when done. This includes clothing with belts, buttons, zippers etc., if worn to school Can independently clean their bottoms after using the toilet Get on and off the toilet by themselves Wash and dry their hands by themselves *Disposable training pants (i.e. Pull-ups) are not permitted per AZDHS Licensing Fluent English (typically developing role-model) Locations (Open Boundaries) Ashland Ranch Augusta Ranch Boulder Creek Burk Canyon Rim Carol Rae Finley Farms (Integrated SPICE) Gilbert Elem Greenfield Elem Harris Highland Park Meridian Mesquite Elem Oak Tree Patterson Playa del Rey Quartz Hill Settler's Point Sonoma Ranch Spectrum Superstition Springs Towne Meadows Val Vista Lakes Child Find Screenings Gilbert Public School’s Advantage Preschool provides early intervention/special education services to 3 to 5 year old children with qualifying developmental delays in the following areas: motor, social, speech/language, cognitive or adaptive behavior development. Eligibility is determined through formal assessment procedures. If you live within the Gilbert Public School district boundaries, and have concerns regarding your child’s development, please go to and follow the Preschool Screening instructions to begin the testing process. GPS Preschool Office 480-497-3461 x7
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  • Preschool - Building Blocks 3's

    2025-2026 School Year - Registration is Open Regular Hours of Operation School Day Hours 7:45 am - 3:15 pm Before and after school care will be offered at many campuses through a separate VIK registration. The VIK registration will open in March 2025. About us Gilbert Public Schools is proud to offer Building Blocks Preschool, a full day preschool program that allows your 3, 4, or young 5-year-old firsthand experiences of what it means to be a student. Our uniquely designed curriculum, based on the AZ Early Childhood Standards, helps create a foundation for your young student to build upon as they move towards their school career. Within the 3’s program, students will engage with specially designed, curriculum-based material. By utilizing circle time students are introduced to letters, numbers, colors, days of the week, months, and weather. While using a small group setting, our 3-year-old's complete six learning centers a day. In between learning centers are lunch, rest time, and exploration play. The day begins and concludes with a structured based play which focusses on socialization. Children must be 3 years old by August 31st to register (may not attend until their third birthday) and must be completely independent in toileting; to be considered completely independent in toileting, a child must be able to do ALL of the following: Are able to communicate the need to go to the toilet; including but not limited to, demonstrating control over going if they must wait for someone who is in the bathroom or if away from the bathroom Can independently pull down their underwear and pants and pull them back up when done. This includes clothing with belts, buttons, zippers etc., if worn to school Can independently clean their bottoms after using the toilet Get on and off the toilet by themselves Wash and dry their hands by themselves Disposable training pants (i.e. Pull-ups) are not permitted per AZDHS Licensing Family style snacks will be provided to all students. Building Blocks’ students will be eating lunch in the school cafeteria. Although lunch will not be provided, the student will be enrolled in the school lunch program so they may purchase a hot lunch. All programs are licensed by the Arizona Department of Health Services. Staff will participate in a minimum of 18 hours of professional development each school year. The Building Blocks Program is a Monthly Tuition Program. The cost is based on the days selected for the entire school year, then broken down into 10 equal monthly payments. Three Schedules are available for parents to select during the registration process - Full Time Monday - Friday, Part Time 3 Days per week - Monday, Wednesday & Friday or Part Time 2 Days per week - Tuesday & Thursday. Parents must commit to a schedule and maintain it throughout the entire school year. Families of preschoolers in Building Blocks may choose to extend their day (6:30 am - 6 pm) for an additional fee using the VIK before and after school program. Building Blocks Curriculum We believe academics and social development are intertwined, and that curriculum is a living, growing aspect of preschool. We have a commitment to each school’s design and firmly believe that this commitment is crucial to our students’ success. We begin by understanding that every student is different. We focus on using each student’s strengths to build upon those areas that need developing. Learning is applied through academics and exploratory play. These activities can be child-directed or teacher directed. With a fluid schedule, teachers are then able to assess transitions and begin to build a foundation tailored to each individual student. AZ Early Learning Standards is the framework to our curriculum, and it is annually assessed to ensure best practices. The Building Blocks’ module is influenced by kindergarten standards and is collaborative with kindergarten teachers. Fundations and sight words are introduced through 4 small guided learning centers and 3 large group centers based on weekly themes with built-in “Brain Breaks” between learning centers. “Brain Breaks” are equally important both inside and outside of the classroom with opportunities for PE, Library, Music, Art, etc. Building Blocks passionately encourages school involvement through fun runs, assemblies, school pictures, spirit weeks, and other fun site-specific activities. Dates Building Blocks 3's is closed Holiday/Closure 2024-2025 School Year 2025-2026 School Year Labor Day September 2, 2024 September 1, 2025 Fall Break Sept. 30-Oct. 11, 2024 Sept. 29-Oct. 10, 2025 Veteran's Day November 11, 2024 November 11, 2025 Thanksgiving Holidays November 27-29, 2024 November 26-28, 2025 Winter Break December 23-31, 2024 & January 1-3, 2025 December 22-31, 2025 & January 1-2, 2026 Martin Luther King Day January 20, 2025 January 19, 2026 President's Day February 17, 2025 February 16, 2026 Spring Break March 10-21, 2025 March 9-20, 2026 Spring Holiday April 18, 2025 April 3, 2026 Last Day of School May 21, 2025 May 21, 2026 Monthly Tuition & Fees: 2025-2026 School Year $50.00 Registration Fee School Day (7:45 am – 3:15 pm) T, TH: $475.00/month M,W,F: $600.00/month M-F: $825.00/month Families of preschoolers in Building Blocks may choose to extend their day (6:30am-6pm) for an additional fee using the VIK before and after school program. GPS Employee Rates - please call the preschool office - employment verification required 2025-2026 School Year** - Registration fee and a security deposit of $100 from December 2, 2025 through June 30, 2026 will be due at time of registration. The remaining balance for the first scheduled tuition is due by July 15, 2025. Registrations received on July 1, 2025 and after are required to pay the registration fee and the first scheduled tuition payment at the time of registration. The registration fee, security deposit and 1st month tuition paid during registration are NON-REFUNDABLE, no exceptions. The security deposit will be applied to the first scheduled tuition payment. **Both the Eleyo and Infinite Campus registrations must be completed by July 12, 2025 in order to ensure the ability to start on the first day of school. Registration must also be finalized on the campus prior to the child’s start date. Preschool Parent Handbook 2025-2026 Preschool Parent Handbook 2024-2025 School Year
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  • Preschool - Building Blocks 4's

    2025-2026 School Year - Registration is Open Regular Hours of Operation School Day Hours 7:45 am - 3:15 pm Before and after school care will be offered at many campuses through a separate VIK registration. The VIK registration will open in March 2025. About us Gilbert Public Schools is proud to offer Building Blocks Preschool, a full day preschool program that allows your 3, 4, or young 5-year-old firsthand experiences of what it means to be a student. Our uniquely designed curriculum, based on the AZ Early Childhood Standards, helps create a foundation for your young student to build upon as they move towards their school career. By constructing curriculum containing a more challenging approach to the same subjects included in our 3’s program, our 4 and young 5-year-olds continue to master letters, numbers, colors, the calendar, writing their names, addresses, phone numbers, and begin preparation for reading readiness. Socialization and opportunities to build friendships are encouraged throughout our before and after-school day schedule. Upon completion of the Building Blocks program, our students have the foundation in place to enter kindergarten with the tools, experiences, and passion for learning that helps to ensure academic success now and well into the future. Children must be 4 years old by August 31st and independently toilet trained. To be considered completely independent in toileting, a child must be able to do ALL of the following: Are able to communicate the need to go to the toilet; including but not limited to, demonstrating control over going if they must wait for someone who is in the bathroom or if away from the bathroom Can independently pull down their underwear and pants and pull them back up when done. This includes clothing with belts, buttons, zippers etc., if worn to school Can independently clean their bottoms after using the toilet Get on and off the toilet by themselves Wash and dry their hands by themselves Disposable training pants (i.e. Pull-ups) are not permitted per AZDHS Licensing Family style snacks will be provided to all students. Building Blocks’ students will be eating lunch in the school cafeteria. Although lunch will not be provided, the student will be enrolled in the school lunch program so they may purchase a hot lunch. All programs are licensed by the Arizona Department of Health Services. Staff will participate in a minimum of 18 hours of professional development each school year. The Building Blocks Program is a Monthly Tuition Program. The cost is based on the days selected for the entire school year, then broken down into 10 equal monthly payments. Three Schedules are available for parents to select during the registration process - Full Time Monday - Friday, Part Time 3 Days per week - Monday, Wednesday & Friday or Part Time 2 Days per week - Tuesday & Thursday. Parents must commit to a schedule and maintain it throughout the entire school year. Families of preschoolers in Building Blocks may choose to extend their day (6:30 am - 6 pm) for an additional fee using the VIK before and after school program. Building Blocks Curriculum We believe academics and social development are intertwined, and that curriculum is a living, growing aspect of preschool. We have a commitment to each school’s design and firmly believe that this commitment is crucial to our students’ success. We begin by understanding that every student is different. We focus on using each student’s strengths to build upon those areas that need developing. Learning is applied through academics and exploratory play. These activities can be child-directed or teacher directed. With a fluid schedule, teachers are then able to assess transitions and begin to build a foundation tailored to each individual student. AZ Early Learning Standards is the framework to our curriculum, and it is annually assessed to ensure best practices. The Building Blocks’ module is influenced by kindergarten standards and is collaborative with kindergarten teachers. Fundations and sight words are introduced through 4 small guided learning centers and 3 large group centers based on weekly themes with built-in “Brain Breaks” between learning centers. “Brain Breaks” are equally important both inside and outside of the classroom with opportunities for PE, Library, Music, Art, etc. Building Blocks passionately encourages school involvement through fun runs, assemblies, school pictures, spirit weeks, and other fun site-specific activities. Dates Building Blocks 4's is closed Holiday/Closure 2024-2025 School Year 2025-2026 School Year Labor Day September 2, 2024 September 1, 2025 Fall Break Sept. 30-Oct. 11, 2024 Sept. 29-Oct. 10, 2025 Veteran's Day November 11, 2024 November 11, 2025 Thanksgiving Holidays November 27-29, 2024 November 26-28, 2025 Winter Break December 23-31, 2024 & January 1-3, 2025 December 22-31, 2025 & January 1-2, 2026 Martin Luther King Day January 20, 2025 January 19, 2026 President's Day February 17, 2025 February 16, 2026 Spring Break March 10-21, 2025 March 9-20, 2026 Spring Holiday April 18, 2025 April 3, 2026 Last Day of School May 21, 2025 May 21, 2026 Monthly Tuition & Fees: 2025-2026 School Year $50.00 Registration Fee School Day (7:45am–3:15pm) T, TH: $475.00/month M,W,F: $600.00/month M-F: $825.00/month Families of preschoolers in Building Blocks may choose to extend their day (6:30am-6pm) for an additional fee using the VIK before and after school program. GPS Employee Rates - please call the preschool office - employment verification required 2025-2026 School Year** - Registration fee and a security deposit of $100 from December 2, 2024 through June 30, 2025 will be due at time of registration. The remaining balance for the first scheduled tuition is due by July 15, 2026. Registrations received on July 1, 2025 and after are required to pay the registration fee and the first scheduled tuition payment at the time of registration. The registration fee, security deposit and 1st month tuition paid during registration are NON-REFUNDABLE, no exceptions. The security deposit will be applied to the first scheduled tuition payment. **Both the Eleyo and Infinite Campus registrations must be completed by July 12, 2025 in order to ensure the ability to start on the first day of school. Registration must also be finalized on the campus prior to the child’s start date. Preschool Parent Handbook 2025-2026 Preschool Parent Handbook 2024-2025 School Year
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  • Preschool - Kindergarten Prep

    Traditional, Advanced Learning/Gifted Cluster, S.T.E.A.M and Conventional 2025-2026 School Year - Registration is Open Kindergarten Prep follows the GPS school calendar for holidays and breaks. Complete information and the Kindergarten Prep Parent Handbook can be found on the district website: 2025-2026 Locations and Class Times Class Times: AM Session: 8:15 - 11:15, Monday-Friday PM Session: 12:15 - 3:15 Mon, Tues, Thurs, Fri Full Day Session 8:15-3:15 Mon - Fri (11:15 release on Wednesdays) Traditional Kindergarten Prep: Hybrid Schedules (AM, PM or Full Day): Canyon Rim Elementary Spectrum Elementary Full Day Session AM Session PM Session Half Day Schedules: Neely Traditional Academy AM Session PM Session S.T.E.A.M. Kindergarten Prep Quartz Hill Elementary School Full Day Advanced/Gifted Kindergarten Prep: Ashland Ranch PM Session Conventional Kindergarten Prep: Half Day Schedules: Ashland Ranch AM Session Highland Park AM Session PM Session Hybrid Schedules (AM, PM or Full Day): Superstition Springs Val Vista Lakes AM Session PM Session Full Day Session Class Size Up to 20 Students per class Taught by an HQT Certified Teacher with an assistant About the Program Kindergarten Prep transforms learning into a walk of discovery, offering safe and exciting opportunities for experimentation, challenge, and fun at every turn! This program is designed to give your child a jump-start on becoming a prepared and eager student ready for the rigors of Kindergarten and being a valued member of Gilbert Public Schools! Kindergarten Prep curriculum focuses on literacy and academic content in an intentionally developed preschool environment. Fundations, which provides a strong foundation for reading and writing, is introduced and focused on daily. Traditional Kindergarten Prep is designed to give students that will be attending a Traditional Kindergarten a jump-start on their educational pathway. Traditional Kindergarten Prep children will participate in primary language arts (Spalding), math (Math in Focus), science, music, art, and physical education through hands-on discovery and other age-appropriate activities. S.T.E.A.M. Kindergarten Prep (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Math) students at Quartz Hill will be a part of an A School of Excellence where they will have the opportunity for real-world hands-on/minds-on learning. Quartz Hill K-Prep students will be involved in a full-day of project-based learning and introduced to coding. Through these experiences, children will use their imagination, be innovators and be inspired as emerging Trailblazers! Gifted Cluster Kindergarten Prep is offered at Ashland Ranch Elementary. Student can be placed in the Gifted Cluster after qualifying through testing with a certified school psychologist, by appointment only. There is a $175 fee for the testing. Registration for gifted testing opens January 13, 2025. Testing takes approximately one to three hours. A parent or guardian is required to stay on the premises during testing. Registration for Ashland Ranch Kindergarten Prep in the PM session does not automatically qualify a student to receive gifted services. Link to Gifted Cluster Testing Registration This testing is required to determine eligibility for the Gifted K-Prep cluster programming for Gilbert Public Schools for 4 year-olds in the PM session at Ashland Ranch, which is offered by appointment only. One-on-one testing is scheduled through the Preschool Office. Testing takes approximately one to three hours. A parent or guardian is required to stay on the premises during testing. Testing provided is determined by the age of the child. All programs are aligned with the Arizona Department of Education Early Learning Standards, and are supplemented with: Handwriting Without Tears STEM Activities Unplugged Coding Monthly Tuition & Fees: $50 Registration Fee AM Session: $530 per month, Monday-Friday PM Session: $410 per month, Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday Full Day: $950 per month, Monday-Friday (Wednesday 1 hour early release) GPS Employee Rates - please call the preschool office - employment verification required 2024-2025 School Year** - Registration fee and the first scheduled tuition payment are due at the time of registration approval. The registration fee, security deposit and 1st month tuition paid during registration are NON-REFUNDABLE, no exceptions. The security deposit will be applied to the first scheduled tuition payment. Preschool Parent Handbook 2024-2025 School Year 2025-2026 School Year** - Registration fee and a security deposit of $100 from December 2, 2024 - June 30, 2025 will be due at time of registration. The remaining balance for the first scheduled tuition is due by July15, 2025. Registrations received on July 1, 2025 or after are required to pay the registration fee and the first scheduled tuition payment at the time of registration. The registration fee, security deposit and 1st month tuition paid during registration are NON-REFUNDABLE, no exceptions. The security deposit will be applied to the first scheduled tuition payment. Preschool Parent Handbook 2025-2026 **Both the Eleyo and Infinite Campus registrations must be completed by July 12, 2025 in order to ensure the ability to start on the first day of school. Registration must also be finalized on the campus prior to the child’s start date. Requirements Age 4-5 Must be 4 by August 31, for the school year registering for. Toilet Trained - All students must be completely independent in toileting; to be considered completely independent in toileting, a child must be able to do ALL of the following: Are able to communicate the need to go to the toilet; including but not limited to, demonstrating control over going if they must wait for someone who is in the bathroom or if away from the bathroom Can independently pull down their underwear and pants and pull them back up when done. This includes clothing with belts, buttons, zippers etc., if worn to school Can independently clean their bottoms after using the toilet Get on and off the toilet by themselves Wash and dry their hands by themselves Disposable training pants (i.e. Pull-ups) are not permitted per AZDHS Licensing All dates, times and locations are subject to change If you have concerns about your child's development, and live within the GPS boundaries, please go to and follow the instructions for Preschool Screening. Preschool Office 480-497-3461
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  • Preschool - TOYBOX

    2025-2026 School Year - Registration is Open For further information or to add your child's name to one of our locations wait lists, please contact the Preschool Office at 480-497-3461. About us TOYBOX Early Learning Center is a program established as a laboratory setting on high school campuses incorporating a full teaching curriculum. All lessons are objective driven, play-based, and designed using the Arizona Early Learning Standards. TOYBOX Preschool offers a full curriculum teaching all subjects daily including language and literacy, STEM (science, tools, engineering and math), social studies, art, music, and PE. The goal of TOYBOX Preschool is to prepare children for success in Kindergarten as well as their entire educational careers. TOYBOX strives to build a positive foundation for school success and a love for learning. The TOYBOX Early Learning Center provides the opportunity for children to develop social relationships with peers, gain a positive self-concept and foster an attitude of enthusiasm about school at an early age. Children learn to think critically, solve problems creatively, and interact in group situations. Having the support of the high school students helps to maintain a low child to adult ratio, resulting in more one-on-one attention and learning. Being on a high school campus allows TOYBOX unique opportunities to participate in many activities such as trying out the instruments in orchestra, creating pottery with clay, participating in simple science experiments, making a creative snack with culinary, or visiting the animals in the agriculture lab. For additional program details including policies and procedures please refer to the Preschool Parent Handbook. TOYBOX Highlights: Directed by a highly qualified teacher with a background in early childhood education Two paraprofessional specialists trained in early childhood education Multiple high school student teachers working toward early childhood related careers Average staff to student ratio is 1:5 TOYBOX uses the Wilson's Fundations Language and Literacy Program Children must be three years old by August 31st (may not attend until on or after 3rd birthday)and be able to use the restroom independently. To be considered completely independent in toileting, a child must be able to do ALL of the following: Are able to communicate the need to go to the toilet; including but not limited to, demonstrating control over going if they must wait for someone who is in the bathroom or if away from the bathroom Can independently pull down their underwear and pants and pull them back up when done. This includes clothing with belts, buttons, zippers etc., if worn to school Can independently clean their bottoms after using the toilet Get on and off the toilet by themselves Wash and dry their hands by themselves Disposable training pants (i.e. Pull-ups) are not permitted per AZDHS Licensing TOYBOX will close at 3:30PM at the end of each grading quarter. TOYBOX Daily Hours of Operation First Day of School, July 22, 2025-- Last Day of School, May 21, 2025 Hours: 7:00 AM - 4:30 PM (TOYBOX will close at 3:30 PM the day before Fall, Winter, Spring & Summer Breaks) TOYBOX Closure Dates Holiday/Closure 2024-2025 School Year 2025-2026 School Year Labor Day September 2, 2024 September 1, 2025 Fall Break Sept. 30-Oct 11, 2024 Sept. 29-Oct. 10, 2025 Veteran's Day November 11, 2024 November 11, 2025 Thanksgiving Holidays November 27-29, 2024 November 26-28, 2024 Winter Break December 23-31, 2024 & January 1-3, 2025 December 22-31, 2025 & January 1-2, 2026 Martin Luther King Day January 20, 2025 January 19, 2026 President's Day February 17, 2025 February 16, 2026 Spring Break March 10-21, 2025 March 9-20, 2026 Spring Holiday April 18, 2025 April 3, 2026 TOYBOX will close at 3:30 PM the day before Fall, Winter, Spring & Summer Breaks. TOYBOX students are eligible to enroll in the Holidays Camps through Community Education for an additional cost. Monthly Tuition & Fees: $50.00 Non-refundable registration fee and $100.00 non-refundable security deposit due at the time of registration. Monday through Friday: $665.00/month Three days per week: $515.00/month GPS Employee Rates - please call the preschool office - employment verification required 2024-2025 School Year**: The monthly tuition will be invoiced on the 20th of the month prior and due on the 25th of the month. A $25.00 late fee will be assessed if payment is not submitted by due date. The registration fee and the first scheduled tuition payment are due at the time of registration approval. The registration fee and first month tuition paid during registration are non-refundable (No exceptions). For more detailed information about the TOYBOX Preschool policies and procedures, including program closure dates please refer to the Preschool Parent Handbook Preschool Parent Handbook 2024-2025 2026-2026 School Year** - Registration fee and a security deposit of $100 from December 2, 2024 - June 30, 2025 will be due at time of registration. The remaining balance for the first scheduled tuition is due by July 15, 2025. Registrations received on July 1, 2025 or after are required to pay the registration fee and the first scheduled tuition payment at the time of registration. The registration fee, security deposit and 1st month tuition paid during registration are NON-REFUNDABLE, no exceptions. The security deposit will be applied to the first scheduled tuition payment. Preschool Parent Handbook 2025-2026 **Both the Eleyo and Infinite Campus registrations must be completed by July 12, 2025 in order to ensure the ability to start on the first day of school. Registration must also be finalized on the campus prior to the child’s start date. TOYBOX Locations and Addresses Campo Verde High - 3870 S Quartz St, Gilbert, AZ Desert Ridge High - 10045 E Madero Ave, Mesa, AZ Gilbert High - 1101 E Elliot Rd, Gilbert, AZ Highland High - 4301 E Guadalupe Rd, Gilbert, AZ Mesquite High - 500 S McQueen, Gilbert, AZ
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    GPS Summer Camp 2025 Programs Registration opens Monday, March 3rd Dates: May 29th through July 11th, Monday-Friday (excluding July 4th in observance of the holiday) Camp hours: 6:30 am to 6:00 pm Kindercamp Summer: For students ages 3 to 6 years old (Children must be independently toilet trained). VIK Summer Camp A: For students entering 1st grade to 3rd grade. VIK Summer Camp B: For students entering 3rd grade to 6th grade. Locations: Boulder Creek Elementary Playa del Rey Elementary Quartz Hill Elementary Sonoma Ranch Elementary The Zone Summer: For students ages 11 to 14 years old. Location: Mesquite Jr. High School Fee Schedule: Registration Fee: $50 per student (Includes 2 camp shirts, backpack, and water bottle) Daily Rate: $50.60 per day Weekly Rate: $230 per week (Requires Monday through Friday attendance) Price includes: Breakfast, Lunch, Snack and Field trip admissions More exciting details to come!
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  • Sports Camps & Clinics

    Gilbert Youth Athletics is committed to providing top-tier coaching, utilizing elite facilities and focusing on the overall development of each student-athlete. It is our belief that great athletes must develop fundamental skills at a young age which prepares them for a future of success as they progress through high school and college programs. Athletes have access to some of the best coaches in the state of Arizona who are committed to the development of young athletes, while also spending significant time emphasizing character and sportsmanship. Our slogan of Two Steps Ahead comes from the promise to our community that we provide an unparalleled program in terms of coaching, facilities and competition. Student-athletes will be two steps ahead as they move through their playing career as a result of coaches and program leaders who are relentless in their pursuit of excellence. With player development being the focus we are able to identify the playing ability of all athletes and begin a structured approach of facilitating growth. This individualized approach is only possible as the result of employing excellent coaches who are committed to the player development process.
  • VIK Club - Before and After School Program

    Registration for the 2025-2026 School Year will open in Spring 2025 Registration for the 2024-2025 School Year July 23, 2024 - May 21,2025 About Us The VIK Club program is designed to support the needs of today’s working families. It offers a safe and fun-filled extended learning environment for Gilbert Public Schools (GPS) families, serving students in Kindergarten through 6th grade. The VIK Club is proud to provide a variety of activities and opportunities that complement the educational programming of Gilbert Public Schools, while promoting personal growth through life skills development, strong relationships, and fostering a sense of self-worth. The VIK Club program is available at 26 of the Gilbert Public Schools elementary campuses. The regular hours of operation are as follows: Before School Program: 6:30 AM – 8:10 AM After School Program: 2:55 PM – 6:00 PM Before School Program The VIK Before School program includes breakfast and offers a variety of fun, educational activities. Students in Kindergarten through 6th grade are released 10-15 minutes before the start of the school day. Kindergarten students are either walked to, or picked up and escorted to the playground by VIK site staff or a school teacher. After School Program The VIK After School program includes an afternoon snack, quiet time for homework, outdoor activities, active games, S.T.E.A.M. (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, Math) activities, and a variety of free-choice options, such as board games, free drawing, and a quiet area for relaxation. For more detailed information, the VIK Parent Handbook is available for viewing here. Program Fees 2024/2025 Program fees are billed on a monthly basis, based on the selected schedule for each student. Monthly charges are invoiced and sent via email on or after the 25th of each month for the following month. Payment is due on the 1st of the month. Registration Fee: A non-refundable registration fee of $50.00 is charged once a contract is approved. Early registration fees are as follows: $25.00 through June 30th $35.00 through July 31st $50.00 starting August and beyond Consistent Schedule A consistent schedule must be maintained for the entire school year. If your child will be attending the same days and sessions each week (1, 2, 3, 4, or 5 days), the following rates apply: AM Session: $12.10 per day $52.75 per week (Monday-Friday) PM Session: $17.54 per day $74.75 per week (Monday-Friday) AM & PM Sessions: $27.00 per day $111.90 per week (Monday-Friday) Pick Your Week Schedule This option is for families who wish to attend the same session Monday-Friday, but not every week. Each month, you must schedule the required weeks by selecting “Change Schedule” on your child's VIK contract before the invoice goes out. Rates are as follows: AM Session: $52.75 per week (Monday-Friday) PM Session: $74.75 per week (Monday-Friday) AM & PM Sessions: $111.90 per week (Monday-Friday) Pick Your Day Schedule For families attending different days or sessions each month, you must select the dates and sessions before the invoice goes out, using the “Change Schedule” option on your child’s VIK contract. As per program policy, at least one day must be selected and paid for each month. The rates are: AM Session: $12.10 per day PM Session: $17.54 per day Important Schedule & Payment Information Half Days: For non-school days, an additional charge of $7.95 will be added to the PM cost. These must be selected separately in your Eleyo account under “Non-School Day.” Half-day dates for the 2024-2025 school year are: 8/28/24, 9/19/24, 9/20/24 (Parent Teacher Conferences) 9/27/24, 10/23/24, 12/20/24, 1/15/25, 2/26/25, and 3/7/25 These will be invoiced during the month in which they occur. Invoicing and Payment: Accounts are invoiced monthly for the selected schedule, with payment due on the 1st of each month or by the due date listed on the invoice. Parents are required to maintain an AutoPay method on file as part of the program policy. DES Assistance: For information regarding charges and additional fees if the correct schedule is not selected during registration, please refer to the VIK Club Parent Handbook here. 2025/2056 Program pricing increase We want to provide you with ample notice regarding a price increase that will take effect starting with summer camp this year. We have not raised our prices in the last three years and hope to maintain stable rates for years to come. However, due to inflationary increases in supplies and staffing, we find it necessary to implement an average across-the-board increase of 10% in all childcare programming. VIK PROGRAM PRICES 2024/2025 2025/2026 PICK YOUR DAY CONTRACT Daily Rate Daily Rate AM - 1 - 4 days per week $12.10 $13.31 PM - 1 - 4 days per week (M,Tu,Th,F) $17.54 $19.29 PM - 1 day - Wednesday (early release) N/A $25.72 Combined AM/PM 1 - 4 days per week $29.64 $32.60 PICK YOUR WEEK CONTRACT (requires M-F) Daily Rate Daily Rate AM - 5 days, Monday-Friday per week $10.55 $11.61 PM - 5 days, Monday-Friday per week $14.95 $16.45 Combined AM/PM 5 days per week $22.73 $25.25 HALF DAY/NON SCHOOL DAY BASED ON CONTRACT Daily Rate Daily Rate Pick your day contract $25.50 $34.72 Pick your week contract $19.15 $30.50 HOLIDAY CAMP CONTRACT Daily Rate Daily Rate Daily 1 - 4 days $46.00 $50.60 Daily 5 days/week (requires Monday - Friday) $46.00 $46.00 VIK PROGRAM with Building Blocks (previous Building Blocks with extended day) information coming soon. VIK Club Closure Dates The VIK Club will be closed on the following dates: Labor Day: September 2, 2024 Fall Break: September 30–October 11, 2024 Veteran’s Day: November 11, 2024 Thanksgiving Holiday: November 27–29, 2024 Winter Break: December 23, 2024–January 3, 2025 MLK Day: January 20, 2025 President’s Day: February 17, 2025 Spring Break: March 10–21, 2025 Spring Holiday: April 18, 2025 Last Day of School: May 22, 2025 Memorial Day: May 26, 2025 Holiday Camp Dates Holiday Camp will be offered on the following dates: Fall Break: September 30–October 11, 2024 Veteran’s Day: November 11, 2024 Day before Thanksgiving: November 27, 2024 Winter Break 1: December 23, 26–27, 2024 Winter Break 2: December 30, 2024, January 2–3, 2025 MLK Day: January 20, 2025 President’s Day: February 17, 2025 Spring Break: March 10–21, 2025 Please note that the Community Education Business Office is closed during all holidays and breaks. VIK Club Phone Numbers Ashland Ranch: 480-416-5606 (cell) Augusta Ranch: 602-769-3311 (cell) Boulder Creek: 480-518-7204 (cell) Burk: 480-431-0650 (cell) Canyon Rim: 480-316-4403 (cell) Carol Rae Ranch: 480-209-0878 (cell) Finley Farms: 602-803-7269 (cell) Gilbert Elementary: 480-772-7406 (cell) Greenfield Elementary: 602-803-2838 (cell) Highland Park: 480-415-8326 (cell) Harris: 480-798-1023 (cell) (Students attend VIK at Oak Tree) Islands: 480-239-5160 (cell) Meridian: 602-769-3467 (cell) Mesquite Elementary: 602-803-5439 (cell) Neely Traditional Academy: 480-407-7988 (cell) Oak Tree: 480-798-1023 (cell) Patterson: 480-316-4404 (cell) Pioneer: 480-589-0474 (cell) Playa del Rey: 480-772-8129 (cell) Quartz Hill: 480-772-7435 (cell) Settler's Point: 480-772-5488 (cell) Sonoma Ranch : 480-532-7494 (cell) Spectrum: 602-803-0089 (cell) Superstition Springs: 602-695-3292 (cell) Towne Meadows: 480-205-6802 (cell) Val Vista Lakes: 480-215-9949 (cell) Community Education Business Office: 480-892-9089 x1
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